
Raymond E. Walton American Legion Post #70



We have a machine that sells tickets. $1 each. All Ticket Sales are done on-site -- no online or remote purchases. You buy a ticket, write your name and phone number on the back of the ticket WHILE YOU ARE ON-PREMISES and put it in the lock-box, which is emptied several times a day into our drawing  barrel. TICKET SALES ARE SHUT OFF AT 6:15 pm ET ON THE DATE OF DRAWING. The drawing is Wednesday night at 6:30 and one ticket is drawn, name announced, and if the named person is present, they are asked to come up and select an envelope containing one of the remaining deck of 54 cards. If the envelope contains the Queen of Hearts, that is the winner of the whole jackpot -- which is announced and posted on our website. You do not have to be present to win -- if your ticket is drawn and you are not present, a volunteer is allowed to draw for you. We will call you. You must appear at the Legion office in person to claim your winnings and to accept the check and provide two IDs (SS and mailing address for a W2-G), minus the 24% tax withholding we are required by law to send directly to IRS. That's it!  Come on down!

The Jackpot amount is updated weekly on our WHAT'S HAPPENING webpage.


Queen of Hearts Rules - Updated 9/10/2024